Reliable supplier of microelectronics in unstable conditions

Omni Electronics LLC is a comprehensive and specialized distributor of electronic components

All electronic components of the company are supplied in original factory packaging, and the quality of the products fully complies with the technical standards specified in the manufacturer’s passport. The company has reliable relationships with authorized distributors and electronics manufacturers and offers a wide range of products at affordable prices.
  • 20 +
    years of experience of specialists in electronics supplies
  • 30 +
    federal clients
  • 100 +
    manufacturers and authorized distributors in cooperation around the world
Top 3 reasons to choose us
  • 1

    Approach to work

    Develop with technology and grow with customers

  • 2

    Company values

    Constant development

    Quality control




  • 3

    Corporate mission

    To be a reliable supplier of imported electronic components in unstable conditions

service industries
Data converters
Integrated circuits
Passive Components

Automatic switches
Drivers and interfaces
Our supply channels
20 + Manufacturers
30 + Authorized distributors
300 + Independent distributors
How we are working
We are looking globally all over the world

  • More than 5 professional purchasing managers
  • Procurement experience in 15 countries
  • More than 300 channels and partners cooperate with us around the world
We purchase products directly from the factory of the official manufacturer / distributor

  • More than 30 authorized distributors
  • More than 20 factories of official manufacturers are in close cooperation with us
Our advantages
  • Russian company with international experience
  • Fast feedback and order processing
  • Reliable relationships with factories and top authorized distributors
  • Large stock of products in warehouses in China and Russia
  • Selection of suppliers and search for analogues
  • Expanded Product Line
Terms and conditions of delivery
  • Train
  • Air
  • Auto

Components available in China

DDP Incoterms 5 days+

Available in USA and Europe

DDP Incoterms 2 weeks+

Not available

DDP Incoterms Production time + 1 week for delivery

Quality assurance

We provide quality control

  • Checking documentation and packaging
  • External visual inspection
  • X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
  • X-ray detection (XRD)
  • Chemical heating test
  • Matrix decapsulation and analysis
  • Electrical Performance Test

We guarantee and are responsible for quality

  • Products from authorized supply channels
  • 100% new and original products
  • Quality guarantee - 1 year
Delivery request
+7 (495) 255 07 00
127254, MOSCOW, OGORODNY DRIVE, 16/1,  Bldg. 3